River: The
River Laxa is one of Iceland’s major salmon rivers
and in
many quarters simply called the "Big Laxa". It is
Iceland’s second greatest spring fed river and originates in
famous bird haven of lake Myvatn. Laxa river flows from Myvatn
lake in three channels. 
It alternately cascades or flows in still pools
among beautiful islets
grown with wood cranesbill, angelica, buttercups and willow.
Laxa is among
the best trout and salmon fishing rivers in the world. In the
upper part of river
Laxa, Brown trout is the main catch, but a little Arctic Char
sometimes caught there, too. Salmon migrates from the sea to the lower
parts of the river .
The water in lake Myvatn often takes on a greenish
or brownish
tinge in the summer due to blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) that inhabit
it. The algae is carried into the river Laxa, together with
plankton and turbidity, and provides the basis of the food chain. River
Laxa is the most fertile stream in Iceland. Blackfly larvae
sift substances from the water and constitute the
river’s most important food. The female flies suck blood from
livestock and people, and thus gain nourishment for breeding
The river
is home to Barrow's Goldeneye and the Harlequin Duck.